Behind the scenes: Super Smash Bros. de-make

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Videos, Retro

After our deep-dive behind the scenes of our Breath of the Wild de-make a few weeks ago, I’m here again to discuss the process behind the recent Super Smash Bros. followup! If you haven’t already seen it, give it a watch below, then continue on for the full breakdown.  …

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Speedrun Sunday: World One Wager

Categories: Switch, Videos

Welcome to Speedrun Sunday: that sadistic time of the week where we dare to challenge both your D-pad’s durability and sanity’s stamina with the ultimate test in video game bragging rights. Hot off the Cappy tossed kicks of our Super Mario Odyssey challenge comes yet another ruthless run that will…

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Nintendo celebrates Mario Day with panache

Categories: News

March 10th. Just a normal day, right? Thanks to being somewhat punny and quick-witted, when written as Mar. 10th it looks like Mario. This year Nintendo is celebrating in a variety of ways, so let’s see how you can celebrate Mario Day this year! MY NINTENDO REWARDS Ah yes, My…

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