ESL Splatoon tournament detailed

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch, Wii U

Nintendo of Europe has been heavily pushing Splatoon eSports in the region recently, with a series of tournaments being announced a few weeks ago at Gamescom in collaboration with ESL (the Electronic Sports League.) The tournaments will be held weekly for six months, with teams earning Go4Splatoon ranking points depending…

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Axiom Verge almost included a Samus Aran costume

Author: Bobby Soto
Categories: Wii U, News

Axiom Verge designer Tom Happ recently held a Reddit AMA along with ex-Nintendo indie chief Dan Adelman, during which an interesting tidbit involving Metroid series protagonist Samus Aran was revealed. When asked if they had ever considered adding a Samus costume to the game, Dan Adelman jumped in to reply…

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Mii V Mii: Season 2 – Fight 9

Author: TJ Cencula
Categories: Videos, Wii U

Get ready for some fierce competition. We’re back with Fight 9 in Season 2 of Mii V Mii! Watch the Golden Gunners, the Silver Swordsmen and the Bronze Brawlers duke it out in the latest battle. Check out the fight below! Help support Mii V Mii on the MiiTJ Patreon.

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Mii V Mii: Season 2 – Fight 8

Author: TJ Cencula
Categories: Videos, Wii U

Prepare for battle! We’re back with Fight 8 in Season 2 of Mii V Mii! Watch the Golden Gunners, the Silver Swordsmen and the Bronze Brawlers duke it out in the latest battle. Check out the fight below! Help support Mii V Mii on the MiiTJ Patreon.

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Pokémon Sun and Moon version differences detailed

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, 3DS

The passage of time has been a major component of Pokémon games ever since Gold and Silver, with time being actively tracked thanks to either a battery inside the cart or the system clock. Now, while the upcoming Sun and Moon will still keep track of your 3DS system time,…

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Badge Arcade News: 9/6/16

Categories: 3DS, News

A single Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker catcher featuring Aryll and Link’s grandmother returns to the Badge Arcade today!   Free play?: Yep! Practice catcher: It’s the final day for one of the retro Zelda II catchers currently in the Arcade! Don’t have those badges yet? Y’probably should get…

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