Nintendo Wiretap (5/21/18)

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Switch, Videos

Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled a…

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Kirby Cable Bites coming to Japan later this week

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Merchandise

Japan is a country of many things, and one of them is cute, superfluous accessories. Cable Bites just one of these things: they’re little animals or characters that clip around around your phone’s charging cable to look like they’re biting onto your phone. Joining the existing lineup will be Nintendo’s…

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Alolan forms of Pokémon coming soon to Pokémon GO

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Mobile, News

Grab your sunglasses and board shorts, Trainers! Announced on the official Pokémon GO blog, the Alolan forms of several Kanto Pokémon will be coming to the game in the next few weeks! There aren’t any specific details just yet, but the silhouette art on the announcement page seems to show…

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