Gaze on Smash Ultimate’s impressive stash of ‘staches in facial hair Spirit Board event

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Switch

I don’t know about you but once work from home became the norm, I didn’t shave for months. My beard’s a little more trimmed now, but even the most well maintained facial hair can’t hang with what Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is bringing to the Spirit Board.   【スピリッツイベント】1/15(金)から3日間、「フサフサ! ダンディー!…

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Katy Perry headlining Pokémon 25th anniversary music collaboration program

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Merchandise

2021 marks Pokémon’s 25th anniversary, and has seemingly accidentally revealed the next part of the celebrations accidentally. Namely, “P25 Music”, a program of musical collaborations which “will feature surprise global activations throughout the year.” The headliner is Katy Perry, of Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius fame, who states that she…

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Hades, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps have been crowned Metacritic’s highest-scoring Nintendo Switch games of 2020

Categories: News, Switch

As we bid farewell (and good riddance) to 2020 last month, we reflected with our top Nintendo Switch highlights of the year: Hades, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Those were our humble (yet correct) opinions, but how do they stack up against our fellow Nintendo…

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Overwatch Kanezaka Challenge has begun, ends January 25th

Categories: News, Switch

Let the Deathmatch begin! Starting today, January 12th, a brand new challenge is available in Overwatch. The Kanezaka Challenge introduces the new Deathmatch map, Kanezaka, as well as some new rewards you can earn by winning matches or watching specific streamers on Twitch.     From the official event page:…

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Capcom data breach possibly compromised the information of 390,000 customers, new update released

Categories: News

Previously, Capcom had informed the public that hackers who breached their internal servers had compromised the documents of in-development titles, older releases, financial breakdowns, personal information of both company employees and customers, and much more. The situation appears to be far worse than Capcom initially predicted as their latest third…

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