Loads of new Breath of the Wild details revealed

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Switch, Wii U

Game Informer just released a treasure trove of Breath of the Wild details in its just-released March issue. With less than a month before the latest Zelda adventure is released on the Switch and the Wii U, we now have the most in-depth information about the the title than we’ve ever…

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Badge Arcade News: 2/7/17

Categories: 3DS

Mario Kart catchers continue to speed through the Badge Arcade today, as well as a horde of Kalos region pixel Pokémon badges. For the next couple of days apprentice Wiccans can design their own versions of Ashley’s house on their 3DS home screens with brand new WarioWare connector badges! You…

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New Yooka-Laylee gameplay footage shows Capital Cashino

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

So far it’s really looking like Playtonic is carrying on Rare’s classic tradition of weird and wonderful worlds when it comes to Yooka-Laylee. Case in point – Capital Cashino, a land of gaudy carpets where the walls are painted gold. IGN recently had a chance to sit down and play…

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