Nintendo’s plans for PAX West 2017

Categories: 3DS, News, Switch

Next week Nintendo will be in its backyard, à la PAX West 2017 in Seattle, Washington. Before the convention starts on September 1st though, Nintendo is bringing back Nindies@Night. Interested? From 8:30 p.m. to midnight on August 31st at the Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP), indie developers will be on…

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SNES Classic Edition chaos of August 22nd

Categories: Switch, Merchandise, News

It was chaotic carnage, disorder and disarray, a free-for-all, a hot mess… There are many, many ways to describe the day North American pre-orders opened for the SNES Classic Edition. The topic itself is extremely popular this week among gaming and news sites. Last year’s NES Classic release underwent the…

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eShop Update: Week of 8/24/17 (North America)

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: 3DS, Switch, Wii U

This week in the Nintendo eShop: Rabbids ravish the Mushroom Kingdom, Risky Boots reboots the Poop Toot, and pocket monsters duke it out in the Pokkén Tournament DX demo. Ready to get bucked by a Bullfango or bust some retro robots? Capcom’s Publisher Sale returns for the next two weeks,…

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Chucklefish offers updates on upcoming Switch games

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: News, Switch

In a new blogpost, indie developer and publisher Chucklefish Games gave an update on three highly anticipated Switch games: Stardew Valley, Pocket Rumble, and Wargroove. Stardew Valley and Pocket Rumble are currently in testing to make sure the ports don’t have any issues. The latter was originally supposed to be…

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Metroid: Samus Returns gets an overview trailer

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, 3DS

Nintendo’s third day of Gamescom streaming is under way, with one of the segments being focused on the upcoming Metroid: Samus Returns. Alongside the presentation is a new overview trailer for the game, going over the story, a few upgrades, Aeion abilities and ending with an amiibo summary. Check it…

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Lego Worlds gets a Switch version teaser trailer

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

We’re just under two weeks away from the launch of Lego Worlds for the Nintendo Switch. In anticipation, Nintendo UK has uploaded a fresh teaser trailer for the port to its YouTube channel. The new video highlights the variety of bricks that’ll let you build all sorts of structures across…

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New Atlus team in London to publish games in Europe

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

European fans of Atlus games have always had a rough time, relying on third party publishers to bring the Japanese studio’s games over to the region, often months or even years after their North American launches. Things got a bit more secure last year with Deep Silver obtaining the publishing…

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Nintendo Wiretap (8/23/17)

Categories: 3DS, Merchandise, Mobile, News, Switch

Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled a…

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