L.A. Noire trailer for Nintendo Switch released

Categories: News, Switch

Hollywood. Los Angeles. That area in southern California where the weather is always nice. A land filled with the glamorous movie stars and the dreams of hitting it big. What they don’t tell you about is how there’s a tarnish to the city, like the paper used for pulp novels…

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Review: Super Beat Sports

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Rhythm gaming is something I hold very near and dear to my heart. It’s easy to understand and hard to master, both as a player and as a developer. Those behind Harmonix aren’t strangers to rhythm gaming by any means; after all, they brought Rock Band and Guitar Hero onto…

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Review: Doom for Nintendo Switch

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, Switch

Doom and I have been on quite the journey together. I remember when I was ten years old, watching my dad play the groundbreaking original title on his Compaq desktop and being floored at what I saw. Up until that moment, video games had been colorful, cheerful and two-dimensional affairs…

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Hulu hitting the Nintendo Switch today

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Nintendo’s PR has released this week’s list of eShop downloads, and unceremoniously nestled in with all of the indie downloads is Hulu. If the app does indeed launch later today, that’ll make it the first major video streaming service to hit the system in North America. This should hopefully open…

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Marvelous planning to port older titles to the Nintendo Switch

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Hot on the heels of Square Enix’s revelation that Switch game development is ramping up, another big Japanese company has shared its plans for Nintendo’s little hybrid. Marvelous, the developers of Story of Seasons, several Fate games, Senran Kagura and more besides, has stated in its latest financial results (via…

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