Nintendo Wiretap: E3 Edition (6/18/17)

  Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap: E3 Edition! It’s been an exciting week for Nintendo fans the world over, complete with amiibo announcements, franchise revivals and plumber possessed T-Rexes. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled a handy list…

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Pokémon GO Solstice Event begins

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: News, Mobile

Pokémon GO’s Soltice even has begun! During the event, which runs from today, June 13th, until June 20th, Fire- and Ice-type Pokémon will be way more plentiful over the next week, making it easier to find some of your favorites like Cyndaquil and Sneasel. The event also includes increased experience…

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Fire and Ice-type Pokémon GO event begins tomorrow

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Mobile

Last week we reported on Niantic’s plans for Pokémon GO’s anniversary celebrations. For those who aren’t able to go to one of the many real-world events held around the globe, the company promised an in-game Solstice event centered around Fire and Ice-type Pokémon. Now, with one day to spare, they…

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Nintendo Wiretap (6/11/17)

Categories: 3DS, Merchandise, Mobile, News, Switch

Please understand: Today’s edition of the Nintendo Wiretap does not include the audio and visual version in lieu of E3 preparations for the Nintendo Wire team. The video, however, will return for the Wiretap later this week! In its place we have tonight’s live recording of a special edition dedicated…

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Pokémon GO’s ARKit upgrades detailed

Categories: News, Mobile

During Apple’s WWDC ‘17 this week, we reported on the company’s new ARKit for developers and how Niantic would be taking advantage of the tech to improve Pokémon GO’s Augmented Reality capabilities. Now, Niantic officially posted a small update on the company blog about what will come to Pokémon GO…

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Nintendo Wiretap (6/8/17)

Categories: 3DS, Mobile, News, Retro, Switch, Videos, Wii U

  Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled…

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