Splatoon shows off some punk-inspired new gear

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Switch

The only thing more important than winning a Turf War is looking good doing it. That’s why Inklings have their minds on the hottest threads and the freshest styles nearly all the time. Thanks to the Japanese Splatoon Twitter account we can try and keep up with just what these…

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ARMS fighters will have four color palettes

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

The stream of ARMS news via the game’s official Japanese Twitter account continues, this time focusing on Helix’s multicolored alternate palettes and his associated ARM. In the case of the former, we have an image showing four different Helix variations, with the tweet itself letting us know that each fighter…

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NBA Playgrounds hits the Switch May 9th

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: News, Switch

Can’t wait to dunk, block and pick-and-roll as your favorite NBA stars? Well, you’ll be able to in a week, as NBA Playgrounds is set to release on May 9th! To prepare your ultimate team, check out the full roster for the game, and watch the trailer for it below!…

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New stage revealed for ARMS

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: News, Switch

A new stage has been revealed for ARMS! At the Japanese event Niconico Chokaigi, a stage that hadn’t yet been announced was playable for all of those in attendance. The new, as-of-yet unnamed stage looks like a construction zone, with the two fighters hopping up and down ramps while launching…

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TumbleSeed developers offering a $500 daily challenge

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Switch

TumbleSeed launches today on the Nintendo Switch eShop, and to celebrate the game’s developers have announced a daily $500 challenge that will kick off on May 9th. To enter, players need to stream themselves playing the game, obtain the highest daily score, and provide the recording to the developers as proof…

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Review: TumbleSeed

Categories: Reviews, Switch

The best video games start with a seedling of an idea — a singular core concept that lies at the heart of the gameplay experience — and slowly nourishes it to perfection. Mario’s tight platforming, Zelda’s scope of adventure and Metroid’s sense of exploration are all prime examples of franchises…

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Nintendo President Kimishima describes how the Switch could match the Wii’s sales

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Given the console’s overwhelming popularity, it’s undeniable that any follow-up to Nintendo’s Wii would have a hard time matching it. That said, Nintendo’s President Tatsumi Kimishima re-iterated in the just-published Earnings Call Q&A session that the company hopes the Nintendo Switch reaches those lofty heights eventually. The question was raised…

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Nintendo Wiretap (5/1/17)

  Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled…

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