Review: Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

On paper, the Shin Megami Tensei series can sound like a seething cauldron of mismatched ideas. With elements of world mythologies, the nature of order versus chaos in our lives, science fiction-like world building, urban punk sensibilities and motifs, and Jungian psychological concepts all mixed in the pot, it falls…

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Review: Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Categories: 3DS, Reviews

When someone can point to Metroid Prime Pinball as a more accurate representation of the series’s more amicable attributes, you know you’ve done something horribly wrong. A highly controversial spin-off of the titular series coming in cold after a six-year hiatus, Metroid Prime: Federation Force was perhaps doomed from the…

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Review: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Reviews, 3DS

Whenever someone tries to describe the Ace Attorney series, it always comes across as boring. “You play as a defense attorney who has to investigate murders and prove clients innocent!” It doesn’t sound like the most appealing franchise, does it? Well, that assessment couldn’t be farther from the truth, as…

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Review: Jotun: Valhalla Edition

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: Reviews, Wii U

Jotun was a Kickstarter success that launched in 2015 for the PC. Now, Thunder Lotus Games is bringing its viking adventure to the Wii U with Jotun: Valhalla Edition. The game’s main claim to fame comes from its lusciously detailed hand-drawn graphics and sweeping music. While the game is short…

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Review: Axiom Verge

Categories: Wii U, Reviews

Spiritual successors can be a tricky business. At best, they’re fond love letters to games of yore, expertly capturing the intricacies that made classic games so memorable. At worst, they’re cheap, lazy efforts that prey upon the nostalgia of longing fans to deliver a subpar experience that only makes one…

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Review: Zero Time Dilemma

Categories: News, 3DS, Reviews

When one thinks of games that use the medium to express themselves in a way that no other media can, few can match up to the creativity of the Zero Escape series. Starting with 2009’s Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, director Kotaro Uchikoshi created a thriller-adventure hybrid with shades…

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Review: Monster Hunter Generations

Categories: 3DS, News, Reviews

Monster Hunter Generations, the most recent installation in Capcom’s acclaimed Monster Hunter series, launches in just three days and fans are no doubt excited about it. While I’ve never personally had much experience with the franchise, it was always something I really wanted to play around with. And I’ll be…

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Preview: Pokémon GO

Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: Mobile, Features, News, Reviews

Disclaimer: This preview is based on the first build of the game when servers were extremely strained. We’ll continue to update the preview as the mobile experience smooths out. Pokémon GO, a joint effort from Niantic and The Pokémon Company, was announced back in September of 2015, and seemed like…

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Review: 7th Dragon III Code: VFD

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: 3DS, News, Reviews

I want to give Sega credit for two bold moves: First, the company’s released the fourth game in its handheld dungeon-crawler JRPG series 7th Dragon in the West, making it the first in the series to leave Japan. Second, bless the people at Sega who saw that title and didn’t…

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Author: Jaxson Tapp
Categories: 3DS, News, Reviews

Last year, HAL Laboratory treated us to a lighthearted puzzle platformer that was one of the true gems of 2015 on the 3DS. That game was BOXBOY!, a fun and simple puzzle game that had us controlling Qbby, a sentient square with the ability to spawn boxes from his body….

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Review: Mighty No. 9

Categories: News, Reviews, Wii U

Born with a can-do attitude and the patience of a saint, I’ve always had a strong penchant for playing challenging video games. It all traces back to those early childhood days mastering the 8-bit adventures of Mega Man in my parents’ basement. As fans of the series well know, defeating…

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Review: Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Reviews, Wii U

When this crossover was announced not a lot of people knew what to expect from Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem. These were two games with some amount of common ground but vastly different approaches to their gameplay and story tones. It was an exciting prospect, as I’ve had plenty…

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