Mario Party Star Rush game modes revealed

Categories: 3DS, News

Upcoming 3DS title Mario Party Star Rush is set to include seven modes of gameplay, if reports coming straight from Gamescom 2016 are anything to be believed. Twitter user NintenDaan was first to break the news, tweeting that the demo of the game available at the European trade show was…

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Badge Arcade News: 8/17/16

Categories: 3DS, News

It looks like sound-based Pokémon are the hottest commodities in the Nintendo Badge Arcade today! Grab yourself badges of Meloetta, Chatot, Whismur, Loudred and Exploud today and today only! Well, at least until these badges return. Free play?: No. Practice catcher: It’s the final day for Mario & Luigi: Paper…

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Nintendo Wire’s favorite Metroid power-ups

Categories: News, 3DS, Wii U

The next entry in the more-than-beloved Metroid franchise will arrive this week after a six year hiatus since the release of Metroid: Other M. Like Other M, Metroid Prime: Federation Force looks poised to steer the series even further from its eerie, isolated roots. But let’s reserve judgement, for now,…

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Feast your eyes on a new Yooka-Laylee trailer from Gamescom

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Wii U, News

The googly-eyed world of Yooka-Laylee keeps looking better and better and in the face of Gamescom news breaks the chameleon and bat duo shine once again. With another music track characteristic of the game’s pedigree (though much more menacing than what’s been heard before), the trailer serves as a tour…

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