Two Nintendo fan games no longer Game Awards nominees

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

Nintendo has been unusually cutthroat when it comes to fan game creations this year, with the company sending cease and desist messages to the creators of Pokémon Uranium and AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake) pretty soon after they became popular forum topics and news posts. That’s why it was more…

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Badge Arcade News: 11/20/16

Categories: 3DS

Pixel Virtual Boy badges rise from the ashes today. Let’s reverse history and help make it the number one system seller of all time! Free play?: Nope, but you can have one of these instead! Practice catcher: All the current Pokémon badges are fleeing the Arcade today, as well as…

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Looking back at Wii Sports

Author: Bobby Soto
Categories: Retro

With today being the 10 year anniversary of the Wii, it also marks the 10-year anniversary of the system’s most famous title: Wii Sports. What was essentially a tech demo, the game’s purpose was to utilize and showcase the new motion control technology that was the staple of the Wii….

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Let’s celebrate the Wii on its 10th anniversary

Author: Bobby Soto
Categories: Retro

Wow. Ten years already, huh? Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. It seems like it was only yesterday I was first waggling a Wiimote furiously to hit a tennis ball. Anyway, let’s take a look back at the Wii and what made it a game changer! Before the…

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Badge Arcade News: 11/18/16

Categories: 3DS

Pokémon Sun & Moon released today and the Badge Arcade continues to be fully unaware. Instead we have the elusive snowman furniture pieces in two Animal Crossing catchers, as well as pixel SNES badges for retro enthusiasts.   Free play? Not today. Awww, don’t cry Popplio, you’re day will come….

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