Welcome five new wintry animals to Pocket Camp!

Author: Lauren Ganos
Categories: Mobile, News

Start your week off in a cute way by signing in to Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp so you can welcome the incredibly adorable five new animals that have come to our camps. Flurry the hamster, Fang the wolf, Aurora the penguin, Diana the deer, and Bianca the tiger are all…

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Gold Shovel Knight amiibo might be in the works

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Amiibo News, News

Behold, the return of a humble hero from the battle-filled byways of Smash! Shovel Knight’s been shovel dropping his way into one of the biggest games around, but that doesn’t mean things are any quiet on his home turf. With the King of Cards expansion and an amiibo three-pack on…

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