PAX West 2018 Fifty-Game Frenzy: Day 6

Categories: Switch

Welcome back to the PAX West Fifty-Game Frenzy, where I run down a grand total of 50 Switch games I played at PAX and you can decide which ones pique your interest! Last time, we covered some of the finer selections the Indie MegaBooth had to offer. And now, we’re…

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PAX West 2018 Fifty-Game Frenzy: Day 4

Categories: Switch

Welcome back to the PAX West Fifty-Game Frenzy, where I run down a grand total of 50 Switch games I played at PAX and you can decide which ones pique your interest! Last time we concentrated in on publisher Ysbryd Games and a couple other odds ‘n’ ends, and this…

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Review: Hyper Light Drifter – Special Edition

Categories: Reviews, Switch

Real talk. I like my vidja games ‘gamey’. Not the ‘strong flavor’ kind associated with eating tainted meat. I’m talking the quarter pumping, joystick grinding kind. The kind that pushes one’s reflexes to their limits and hands towards carpal tunnel. Story, character development, graphics (heck, even grammar) can all take…

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Review: Bastion on Switch

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, Switch

It’s been over seven years since Bastion released, making its mark in the gaming world. Now it’s time for it to build up that reputation further, making its Nintendo debut on the Switch. I played through it myself back on PC and fell in love with the game. It offers…

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PAX West 2018 Fifty-Game Frenzy: Day 1

Categories: Switch

My favorite time of year is not Christmas, nor E3, nor some third event that falls somewhere between “national holiday” and “gamer news con” — it’s PAX West, a time in which developers big and small descend upon Seattle to showcase their blood, sweat, and tears before the masses. I…

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Review: The Messenger

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Regardless of what types of games I played growing up, sprites are always going to define “video game” for me in a visual sense. There’s something so pure to the medium about pixels coming together — you can even guess when a game was created based on how it looks…

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