New Badge Arcade arrivals for 12/2

Categories: 3DS, News

Itching to make your Nintendo 3DS home screen a little more… personalized? Look no further than the Nintendo Badge Arcade! With new badges and challenges available daily, you’ll never know what to expect. Check out today’s fresh offerings below! Yoshi’s Woolly World badges are all new today! Three new games…

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More details about Splatournament are revealed

Categories: News, Wii U

During our latest Nintendo Direct, we were told that Nintendo Treehouse was going to be taking part in a Splatoon tournament, now dubbed as Splatournament. Since then, more details surrounding the tournament have been revealed, including how it’s going to work. Splatournament is composed of teams of Treehouse employees battling…

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Weekly Deal Roundup: 12/1

Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

Make way for the triumphant return of Nintendo Inquirer’s Weekly Deal Roundup! With Black Friday just behind us and plenty of Cyber Monday deals already well over, some of the better savings are long lost. Never fear, though: there are still a few ongoing deals you can’t afford to miss…

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Nintendo Accounts begin rolling out in Japan

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

Just a few weeks ago we finally learned more about the new account system that will act as a replacement for the current Nintendo Network ID’s supported by the Wii U and 3DS. In a stealth release, Nintendo has opened up the registration site for this new service, but only…

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Nintendo NX rumored to start mass production next year

Categories: News

Rumors of Nintendo’s next major home console, codenamed Nintendo NX, have resurfaced again today. According to, the console will start production at the end of Q1 in 2016. The new console will supposedly be produced by Foxconn, and Nintendo is targeting around 20 million units for shipment in 2016….

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Tons of new Xenoblade Chronicles X information revealed

Categories: News, Wii U

A whole new batch of information on Xenoblade Chronicles X has been revealed through several videos on Nintendo’s official YouTube channel, a new official site, as well as interviews with the Monolith Soft development team. There’s quite a bit of information to cover here, so hold on tight. If you’re…

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A brief history of Xeno

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Retro

Xenoblade Chronicles seems to have become one of Nintendo’s biggest franchises in recent years, with the upcoming X being Nintendo’s biggest holiday 2015 release. It’s a far cry from the days of Operation Rainfall, when fans tried to convince Nintendo of America to release the already translated original game in…

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It's a fast food face-off in the next Splatfest

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Wii U

Callie and Marie are at it again, coming at us with a new Splatfest! On December 4th in North America the ink will fly as squid-kids pick their side when it comes to burgers and pizza. Even with Thanksgiving leftovers still in the fridge it’s a fight worth getting hungry…

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The rare Pokémon Hoopa is released into the wild!

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, News

Ever since receiving Mew in Pokémon Red Version from a Toys “R” Us event I’ve loved heading out and picking up Mythical and Legendary giveaways, and that hasn’t changed one bit. Available now at McDonald’s is Hoopa, the 720th Pokémon and the first dual type Psychic/Ghost Pokémon at that. Receiving…

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