Nintendo not holding large-scale press conference for E3 2017

Author: Lauren Ganos
Categories: News

During the Financial Results Briefing for the Fiscal Year, Nintendo informed the eagerly awaiting masses that it will not, in fact, hold a large-scale press conference during E3 this year. The company will instead provide people with more information on its plans sometime in the (hopefully near) future. While this…

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Squid Sisters Stories: Chapter 1 released

Categories: Switch, News

The first chapter of Squid Sister Stories has been released on the official Splatoon 2 website. Squid Sisters Stories, which aims to chronicle the lives of Inkopolis idols Callie and Marie following the end of Splatoon’s 16th and final Splatfest, was added to the site earlier this week. The first…

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Nintendo announces the New 2DS XL

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: 3DS, News

Nintendo has announced a New 2DS XL for $149.99. The console launches on July 28th. The system is confirmed to have amiibo support, the addition of the c-stick, and will sport two large 2D screens. The US is only receiving the turquoise version, but Japan will be getting an additional…

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25th Anniversary Kirby 3DS theme hits the US eShop

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: 3DS, News

Kirby’s 25th birthday may be over, but the festivities are still well underway. Yesterday, a beautiful 25th anniversary Kirby 3DS theme was added to the Japanese My Nintendo service, but was sadly absent from the North American rewards lineup. Now, fans of the lovable pink puff in the US can…

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