Pokémon Sun and Moon official website opens!

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News

Well, the Pokémon Company did promise we’d get some news on Sun and Moon today, but I don’t think anyone could have predicted just how much they’d show off! To helpfully collate it all, a new website has been launched. It features everything from the trailer released earlier today to…

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Bravely Second theme hits European My Nintendo rewards

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News

My Nintendo rewards has seen a few updates since it launched back in late March, but so far there hasn’t been much for JRPG fans to sink their coins into. Thankfully Nintendo has thrown us a bone, with an exclusive Bravely Second theme! The theme features the heroes and villains…

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Review: Pocket Card Jockey

Categories: Reviews

Solitaire and horse racing are two concepts one normally wouldn’t associate with one other. At first, it sounds like an imperfect pair: peanut butter and cement mix; peaches and bleach; Paper Mario and stickers. However, with Pocket Card Jockey, Pokémon developer Game Freak has once again proven that sometimes the…

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The New Donkey Kong high score might be unbeatable

Categories: News, Retro

Donkey Kong has long been a staple, if not the centerpiece, of the competitive arcade scene. Since its release in 1981, the one-upmanship over the title has continued in perpetuity, reaching many peaks that seemed like the end of the road for high score chasers. One such battle was documented…

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