Devil’s Third online play is no more

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Wii U

Back in June, we reported that the Devil’s Third online servers would be would be discontinued at the end of this year. Well, as of last night, the servers have officially played its swan song and online mode for Devil’s Third is officially no more. Devil’s Third was released on…

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Badge Arcade News: 12/29/16

Categories: 3DS

The Badge Arcade is ushering in the New Year with some brand-spanking new badges featuring Ashley, Nikki and the Pokémon series! Also joining the party this week are a swarm of repeat Alolan pocket monsters, BOXBOY! buddies, and enough Rhythm Heaven high jinx to soften the grinchiest of hearts. EVERYTHING…

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TV pilot based on the Trauma Team series surfaces

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Retro

Six years ago, it was announced that the Atlus developed Wii game Trauma Team would be receiving its own live-action television series. Unfortunately, the Intavision concept never got off the ground, eventually joining the pile of failed video game-to-television projects. However, the pilot for the long forgotten television show has…

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eShop Update: Week of 12/29/16 (North America)

Categories: News, 3DS, Wii U

This week in the Nintendo eShop: 64-bit Rainbow Road rage returns, Dracula gets staked by yet another Belmont and Capcom’s monster sale continues. Capcom’s winter sale is still going strong, with up to 75% discounts through January 4th on heavy hitters from the Phoenix Wright, Resident Evil and Monster Hunter…

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Badge Arcade News: 12/28/16

Categories: 3DS

More repeat Pokémon catchers bring the holiday festivities to a close today. Alola starters and Eevee evolutions highlight today’s additions, as well as a stampede of Normal types. Everything New Free play? No. Jingle must have misplaced it again when hiding your presents. Practice catcher Final chance It’s the last…

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Additional Switch specs found in FCC documents

Categories: Switch, News

Additional information about the upcoming Switch’s technical specifications has been uncovered by sleuths from Reddit community r/NintendoSwitch, including Bluetooth connectivity, Wi-Fi frequency compatibility and more. Following news that the Switch would not feature a removable battery, Redditors in a thread snooped around Nintendo’s filing documents with the United States Federal…

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