Samus Returns again with new My Nintendo rewards

Categories: 3DS, Mobile, News

Released over the weekend, Metroid: Samus Returns has a few more goodies added onto the My Nintendo’s rewards page. Whether you’re having some issues navigating around SR388, or you want to refresh your desktop or home screen, there are plenty of new additions to pick from when it comes to…

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Super September: Unraveling the Secrets of Mana

Categories: Retro, Videos

You can order your copy of Collection of Mana on Amazon today!     I’ll never forget the sense of awe and wonder felt when first booting up Secret of Mana’s superpowered cart back in 1993. Instead of being greeted by the electronic blips and pleasant pings I’d long been…

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Super September: The technology behind Star Fox

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Retro, Videos

Every once and awhile, a game comes out that absolutely pushes a console to its limits. It might be difficult in this age of stunning high definition 3D graphics and surround sound to look at a game like Star Fox and see something extraordinary, but all the way back in…

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Speedrun Sunday: A Rainbow Race to the Cosmos

Categories: 3DS, Videos, Wii U

Welcome to Speedrun Sunday: that sadistic time of the week when we dare to challenge both your D-pad’s durability and sanity’s stamina with the ultimate test in video game bragging rights. Hot off the dirt-clad heels of our gratuitously pestilent Binding of Isaac challenge comes yet another ruthless run that…

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NES’ Golf found hidden in Nintendo Switch OS

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Back in July, enterprising dataminers discovered that every single Nintendo Switch system already contains a hidden NES emulator, inaccessible through normal means. After a few more months of delving, the site has discovered that the file, named “flog”, is actually an emulator wrapped around the classic NES launch game…

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Make it rain with Splatoon 2’s latest update

Categories: News, Switch

It’s that time again. Here at Nintendo Wire we’re going over the latest additions to Splatoon 2. We’re being spoiled this week with a new weapon and map! Plus something fishy is going on at Grizzco Industries… Hello gorgeous It has style, lacks grace, but you can mow down an…

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Super Mario Odyssey listed at 5.7GB

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

With its launch just over a month away, we’re startlingly close to being able to play Super Mario Odyssey to our heart’s content. Thankfully for those going digital, Nintendo of Japan has updated the game’s store page with more details regarding its file size. Super Mario Odyssey will take up…

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Looking back at living with Animal Crossing for 15 years

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Retro

Moving out and settling into a new place away from home is something everyone needs to experience. I recently did, crossing an ocean and starting fresh in a whole new country where I didn’t know anyone in my city. As I settled into my empty apartment with only the clothes…

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