Smash Bros. Ultimate continues to take its title to heart

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Switch

Is there any way this isn’t Masahiro Sakurai’s final Super Smash Bros. game? He’s worked on the iconic franchise all the way since the very beginning back on Nintendo 64, and his latest work feels like a homage to the franchise’s past while also a correction of mistakes from earlier…

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Ben Schwartz to voice Sonic the Hedgehog in the movie

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: News

As reported by Variety, and confirmed on his Twitter, Ben Schwartz will be joining the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie as the titular blue speedster. This comes hot on the heels of the confirmation that Jim Carrey, of all people, will be playing Dr. Robotnik. Schwartz has appeared in shows…

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Get a new look and some more info on Daemon X Machina

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Switch

Back during E3, Nintendo briefly introduced Daemon X Machina, a mech action game made in collaboration with Marvelous. Not a lot of info was shared about it at the time, with any insight coming from Treehouse Live and other sources. Today, a new video’s been shared featuring a Q&A with…

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Review: Ōkami HD

Categories: Reviews, Switch

The ultimate judge of any property, whether it be a movie, book, or TV show, is time. Popular works that are lauded in their day may be forgotten within a year. Nostalgic favorites may be revisited later, only to have aged poorly in the interim. This is especially true for…

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