Sonic Sunday: Classically trained

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Retro, Features, Switch

Welcome back to Sonic Sunday! It was an eventful week for our favorite hedgehog, as plenty of announcements were made regarding his two upcoming titles down in Texas. Project Sonic 2017 was dubbed Sonic Forces, and Sonic Mania was hit with an unfortunate delay. To make up for this delay,…

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Sonic Sunday: The Top 5 Sonic Songs

Author: Logan Plant
Categories: Retro, Features, Switch

We’re only a few days away from the big reveal of Project Sonic 2017 at SXSW! What better time is there to bring back Sonic Sunday here at Nintendo Wire? Sonic games have gone up and down in quality over the years, but one element that has never wavered is…

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A Link Between Worlds: Painterly reinvention

Author: Bobby Soto
Categories: 3DS, Features

Welcome to the final chapter of the Zelda look-back series! We’ve taken a trip down memory lane and revisited some great games over the weeks, but now we are approaching the final stop with The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The 3DS title was released back in November…

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Skyward Sword: Slight turbulence

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Retro, Features

Plenty of games in the Legend of Zelda series are divisive, but none seem more-so than 2011’s Skyward Sword. It brought motion controls to the forefront, focused on narrative more than ever, and detailed the beginnings of the Zelda timeline as we know it. Now, despite five years having passed,…

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Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks: Dual Experiments

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Retro, Features

For today’s addition to our Zelda recap series we’re tackling things a little bit differently – by combining both DS Zelda games together. Built on the same engine and having many of the same mechanics, they definitely come from the same mould, but there are a few unique aspects that…

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Twilight Princess: A tale of two tones

Author: Bobby Soto
Categories: Retro, Features

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is a game that holds a very special place in my heart, as it was my first adventure through the land of Hyrule. The game was released in November of 2006, which means it’s been a little over 10 years since most made the…

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Minish Cap: Sharing a small world of big wonders

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Retro, Features

Zelda games have always been about large scale, fantasy-tinged adventures. From directionless dungeon explorations to sky-faring sagas, there’s always been a sense of large and open spaces, which the upcoming Breath of the Wild is wholly embracing. Hyrule’s a big place, after all, so why not go big as can…

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Wind Waker: A sea of greatness

Categories: Retro, Features

When Wind Waker hit store shelves back in 2003, I was six years old and barely knew how to hold a game controller properly, let alone play a fully fleshed out RPG. I had only received my first video game the year prior in the form of a Game Boy…

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Ocarina of Time: Forever timeless

Categories: Retro, Features

I was very, very young when I first laid eyes upon The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I had gone over to my neighbor’s house for reasons I can’t remember, and watched as he pulled out a N64 with the cartridge already inside. He casually tossed me the strategy…

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