(Video) Fire Emblem Echoes English overview trailer

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: 3DS, News

Nintendo of America has just released a new five minute video showcasing the ins and outs of the upcoming Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Not only do we get a whole lot of details on the gameplay itself, we also get several minutes of new English voice acting. Check…

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Daily Wiretap (4/20/17)

  Welcome to the Daily Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled…

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Badge Arcade News: Week of 4/20/17

Categories: 3DS

Brand new Pokémon badges from all over the Pokéverse swarm the Arcade this week! Take a trip back to the Alola region with exclusive Grimer and Geodude variants, or catch the rare seafaring Pokémon Manaphy in all its adorable majesty. Dragonite also swoops in, practically guaranteeing all my free plays…

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eShop Update: Week of 4/20/17 (North America)

Categories: News, 3DS, Switch, Wii U

This week in the Nintendo eShop: Tetris and Puyo Puyo’s kismet collision, Specter Knight’s multiplatform debut and Rayman’s nostalgic one-two punch down memory lane. Once again it’s not an ideal week for sales on Nintendo platforms. Switch discounts continue to be a no-show, with the only truly notable price drops…

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Daily Wiretap (4/18/17)

  Welcome to the Daily Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled…

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