AT&T no longer willing to sell off WB Games

Categories: News, Switch

AT&T has been in the gaming news a lot lately. Most of the news concerning them has been rampant speculation about who will end up with the keys to the WB Games kingdom, which they currently preside over. That speculation can officially be laid to rest, as a recent report…

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Guide – Animal Crossing: New Horizons bugs, fish, and sea creatures leaving after August and arriving in September

Categories: Switch, Guides

Hey, Animal Crossing: New Horizons players! Hope you’re enjoying your summer. September is almost here, and that means a ton of August bugs, fish, and sea creatures are going to become unavailable for you to catch next month! Of course, the critters that’ll be going away are different depending on…

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Impressions: Nexomon: Extinction

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Switch, Features

Games that try to mimic the monster-catching and raising aspects of Pokémon have become more common in recent years thanks to the efforts of indie devs, though their similarities and differences often vary a great deal. Temtem, for example, goes the MMO route and focuses entirely on double battles. Monster…

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