Silicon Studio collaborating with Mistwalker on a new title

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

JRPG fans might be in for a huge treat: the developers of the popular Bravely series, Silicon Studio, have announced a collaboration with Mistwalker, the development team founded by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy. Check out the first piece of concept art from the as-of-yet untitled game: There’s…

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Badge Arcade News: 2/22/16

Categories: 3DS, News

A whopping 16 new catchers have been added to the Badge Arcade today, with a few series being represented! Lots of adorable new Pikmin badges are now available for your catching pleasure, but if that’s not really your style there are plenty of 8-bit badges as well! Classic Mario is…

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Splatoon candy is coming to Japan

Categories: News, Wii U

There’s no stopping Splatoon from taking over the world, and it looks like food is no exception! Nintendo’s colorful and unique shooter is getting its own line of candy. Candy company Nobel will be producing unique candies that will come in four different colors and flavors. If this deal isn’t…

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All amiibo to be supported in Pokkén Tournament

Categories: Amiibo News, News, Wii U

UPDATE (02/20): We now have some footage of the game’s amiibo functionality in action, courtesy of Nintendo Town. Check out the unlock process: Since the announcement of the Shadow Mewtwo amiibo card for Pokkén Tournament, fans have been wondering what other kind of amiibo compatibility the fighting game might offer….

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Review: Final Fantasy Explorers

Categories: 3DS, Reviews

As the most recent co-op experiment in the Final Fantasy universe, Final Fantasy Explorers combines a hefty dose of series nostalgia with a borrowed multiplayer mission structure to a surprisingly fresh effect. While it’s exceedingly light on story, and inarguably repetitive, Explorers’ take on cooperative questing still makes for a…

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Our first impressions of the Nintendo New York Store

Categories: News

The Nintendo World Store has been the mecca of everything Nintendo since it opened its doors over ten years ago. Nestled in the heart of New York City and Rockefeller Plaza, the store was the one stop shop for anything and everything Nintendo related, bolstering the best selection of video…

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Badge Arcade News: 2/19/16

Categories: 3DS, News

Super Mario Bros. badges are back in the Nintendo Badge Arcade! Make your 3DS home screen a plumber’s paradise by trying out today’s returning catchers! Free play?: No. Practice catcher: That’s all for today! Catch you tomorrow!

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Live from the Nintendo New York store reopening

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

Just one month ago, on January 19th, the Nintendo World Store closed its doors for renovations. Now, just a few weeks later, the store has been rechristened “Nintendo New York” and is holding a grand reopening event. Nintendo Inquirer team members Lauren, Jason and Frank are going to be on…

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