Atlus behind the localization of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Categories: News, Wii U

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, the Shin Megami Tensei/Fire Emblem crossover that’s finally making its way West this June, has finally had its localization plans laid out for fans. According to Game Informer, who reached out to Nintendo in regards to the game’s localization, Nintendo has stated that the Shin Megami…

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Natsume bringing River City: Tokyo Rumble to the West

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News

The Kunio-Kun series is recognized as an enduring classic in Japan, and while the franchise has never had quite the same level of popularity in the West we’ve gotten a few entries localized, like River City Ransom and Super Dodge Ball. Thankfully we’ll soon be able to return to River…

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Star Fox Zero 3DS theme released in Japan

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

Japanese 3DS owners can now download a new theme based on Star Fox Zero. The theme contains both music and sound effects featured in the upcoming game. There’s no word yet on a release outside of Japan, but we expect that it will arrive sometime shortly after Star Fox Zero…

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New Fire Emblem Fates DLC map "Witches' Trial" available now

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: 3DS, News

The final downloadable map from Map Pack 1– titled “Witches’ Trial”– is now available to download. Completing the mission will unlock the Witch class reward. The Witches’ Trial can be downloaded from the in-game Dragon’s Gate at the cost of $1.99. Players who have already purchased Map Pack 1 must…

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Splatoon clothes and accessories heading to Miitomo next week

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Mobile, News

Nintendo’s first smartphone title, Miitomo, is still going strong, with thousands of Miis getting dressed up in all sorts of different outfits every day. Soon this clothing range will be expanding even further, with some fashionable squid kid gear straight from Splatoon. Next Tuesday will also bring some new Splatoon-themed…

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Catch the Star Fox Zero animated short live right here

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

UPDATE: The 15-minute short has aired and you can watch it in full below! There’s less than thirty minutes to go until Nintendo debuts its original Star Fox Zero animated short, “The Battle Begins”, live on YouTube and Twitch. You can catch it live in the embedded video below, and…

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Review: Star Fox Guard

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Reviews, News, Wii U

When Shigeru Miyamoto revealed Project Guard at E3 2014, I wasn’t impressed. The title seemed gimmicky and uninteresting, and while I trust the man behind it there are never guarantees when it comes to games. I forgot about it over time: another bad sign in terms of what it could…

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A look at Mother 3 on its 10th anniversary

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Retro

When people ask what my favorite game is, my shorthanded answer is always EarthBound. The SNES classic has so much to love about it– and does so with a unique identity– that can only be matched by its predecessor and sequel. Today, that sequel is on my mind for a…

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Review: Star Fox Zero

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Reviews, News, Wii U

It’s been nearly 19 years since Star Fox 64 was released on the Nintendo 64. I can still remember the feeling of picking up the game for the first time, plugging in my Rumble Pack, and taking flight with Fox and friends on an adventure to save the galaxy. Now,…

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