Minecraft: Story Mode heading to Wii U this Thursday

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Wii U

Wii U owners finally got a slice of the Minecraft pie in December, but vigilant Nintendo fans may remember that the narrative focused spin-off, Story Mode, was confirmed for the system back in August. Now, three months after its October release on other platforms, the first episode of the game…

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New Badge Arcade arrivals for 1/17

Categories: 3DS, News

There hasn’t been much activity in the Badge Arcade lately (that bunny really wants you to get those launch badges!), however, today we did get a few new games! The first two come in the form of more launch badges, featuring our favorite tiny red, blue and yellow creatures– Pikmin!…

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The official website for Pokkén Tournament launched!

Categories: News, Wii U

With all the new Pokkén Tournament information being released over the past couple days, it would only make sense that the official website for the game has been launched yesterday. The website is immediately immersive, greeting you with a video of a dynamic battle between Pikachu and Machamp, which quickly…

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The Pokémon Center is expanding its territory!

Categories: News

Just yesterday, Pokémon announced via its official website that the company will be opening a new Pokémon Center store in Kyoto, Japan! According to the website, the store will be opening in the Takashimiya Department Store located in Kyoto, rather than acting as a standalone store. This store, unlike the…

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Kimishima announces plans for 2016

Categories: News

Through Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun, Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima has published his plans for Nintendo for 2016. The president starts his points by confirming that he plans on releasing details surrounding the “next generation gaming console,” the NX in 2016, though what realm these details could be in is still…

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Pokkén Tournament releasing worldwide on March 18th

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Wii U

It’s been a hectic week of Pokémon news and Pokkén Tournament was at the forefront, with multiple announcements of new fighters, supports and game modes. To cap everything off, The Pokémon Company has confirmed a release date for the Wii U version of the upcoming fighting game: March 18th. It…

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Chandelure revealed for Pokkén Tournament

Categories: News, Wii U

Last week, a tweet from the official Pokkén Tournament Twitter account announced that a new fighter with the Japanese character “ra” in its name would be revealed for Pokkén Tournament on January 15th. As promised, the official Pokkén Tournament site announced that the new fighter for the upcoming game is…

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