Nintendo Wiretap (5/12/17)

Please understand: Today’s edition of the Nintendo Wiretap does not include the audio and visual version; however, the video will return for tomorrow’s Wiretap. In its place we have tonight’s live recording of the Nintendo Newscast, starting at 9:30 p.m. CST. Make sure to join us there for all the…

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Sonic has been modded into Mario Kart 8

Categories: News, Wii U

Who needs 200cc when you can have a blue hedgehog commandeering a P-Wing? Thanks to enterprising modder CorBond57, Sonic has been brought into Mario Kart 8, but it’s still a work in progress.     Despite almost perfectly importing the Blue Blur’s model, if you listen closely enough you can…

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Nintendo Japan releases an ARMS paper craft

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Switch

Looking to kill some time before the release of ARMS? The folks at Nintendo Japan have you covered with an ARMS inspired paper craft project featuring the game’s lovable announcer Biff. Personally, I’ve never been too good at these sorts of things, but if you are brave enough to put…

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New Ever Oasis video tours the desert dunes

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, 3DS

Last week we shared a video of some extended Ever Oasis gameplay, showing the progression of a quest. Now, Nintendo of Japan has released a new video of the upcoming 3DS RPG that tours the massive desert that makes up the game’s world. It definitely gives an idea of how…

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New wave of Pokémon merchandise heading to Japan

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Merchandise

Can’t get enough Pokémon merch? Well, in the coming weeks the Pokémon Centers around Japan will be an even bigger treasure trove than usual, as brand new plushes, clothing items and more arrive in stores. First up are some cute plushes of both the standalone and keychain varieties. Pyukumuku, Bounsweet…

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