PAX West 2018 Fifty-Game Frenzy: Day 10

Categories: Switch

Welcome back to the PAX West Fifty-Game Frenzy, where I run down a grand total of 50 Switch games I played at PAX and you can decide which ones pique your interest! Here we conclude this long, long series with one last roundup of the odds and ends I experienced…

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Sakurai discusses Isabelle’s inclusion in Smash Ultimate, character reveals, and more in latest Famitsu column

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, News

In his latest Famitsu column, translated in full by and available to read at Source Gaming, Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai delved into multiple topics about making the Ultimate game we’re all waiting for. In particular, these had to do with the game’s most recent character addition, Animal Crossing’s Isabelle….

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Report: Dragalia Lost content, images, and details uncovered by dataminers (Spoilers)

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: News, Mobile

Warning: Please keep in mind that the information below contains spoilers for Dragalia Lost. Dragalia Lost, Nintendo’s newest mobile game, technically launched last night, although it’s unplayable until September 27th. By letting players download the app, Nintendo opened the gates for dataminers to crack the app open and see what…

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Lana Nendoroid hits Pokémon Center online store

Categories: News, Merchandise

It looks like another Nendoroid has been added to the ranks of figures at the Pokémon Center! For all of you collectors of the adorable figurines, earlier today the PC website added their newest Nendoroid to their stock, representing Lana! And in case you can’t remember, Lana is the Trial…

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Atelier Arland trilogy heading to Switch on December 4

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Given Koei Tecmo’s stellar track record when it comes to localizing games, it was only a matter of time before the Atelier Arland trilogy, announced for Japanese Switch systems back in July, would be confirmed for the west. The trilogy includes three games set in the Arland region – Atelier…

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PlayStation finally allows Fortnite cross-play

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

Earlier this year, Sony landed itself in hot-water for being the only platform provider not allowing cross-play, while Microsoft, Nintendo, and PC players were able to face off against each other in Fortnite freely. It seems like the criticism has finally reached the company’s ears, as Sony has announced a…

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