Review: Cadence of Hyrule

Categories: Switch, Reviews

From Mario invading Rabbids to Star Fox barrel rolling through Atlas, Nintendo’s no slouch when it comes to licensing out their franchises to third-party developers. The Legend of Zelda in particular has been around the block a few times, having three mainline entries — Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons,…

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Review: My Friend Pedro on Switch

Categories: Switch, Reviews

Ever wondered if fruit could talk, what wisdom they’d impart? Apples would probably nag us to eat healthier, given their obsession with keeping doctors at bay. Berries would simply blather on about the past thanks to their uncanny ability to ‘member stuff. As for Pineapples… let’s be honest. They’d undoubtedly…

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Japanese man arrested with Wario-shaped ecstasy pills

Categories: News

Today, in news of the amusingly bizarre – a man has been arrested in Tokushima, Japan for the possession of ecstasy pills in the shape of everybody’s favorite greedy money guzzler, Wario. Huh. According to Kobe Customs, the design is actually growing in popularity, even popping up on the MDMA…

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Nintendogs’ Shiba Inu is the fedora-wearing doggo in Super Mario Odyssey

Categories: News, Switch

It would be difficult to find a video game today that’s devoid of animals. Virtual constructions of domesticated pets, farm animals, anthropomorphic characters, imaginary creatures that borrow design elements real life animals — they’re everywhere. One of 2020’s most anticipated games features a menagerie of animals as neighbors, business owners,…

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