My experience at Nintendo Live 2023

Categories: Features, Switch

Having attended many a Sakura-Con and PAX West in my day, I’m well versed in the layout of the Seattle Convention Center’s Arch building (which, until recently, was the only building in the Con Center). The largest part of the building’s southern portion, adjacent to the atrium and courtyard, is…

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Best indie games of PAX West 2023

Categories: Switch, Features

PAX West took place in Seattle this past Labor Day weekend, and while Nintendo was sequestered off in their own little special event in a corner of the convention center, the usual wave of cool little indie titles and third party games descended upon the main expo floor. I got…

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Preview – Convergence: A League of Legends Story

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Features, Switch

Spinoffs of existing games can be tricky. Fans of those worlds will come in with certain expectations while newcomers will want to know what they’ve been missing, and striking the right balance while offering something new often takes finesse and ingenuity. Without those you end up with a Link’s Crossbow…

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