Review – Star of Providence

Categories: Reviews, Switch

We’ve seen a lot of games like Star of Providence in the Nintendo Switch’s lifespan. Buzzwords like “roguelite,” “top-down,” “dungeon-crawler,” and “twin-stick shooter” are all commonalities when it comes to a listing on the hybrid console’s eShop. Some have been legitimate hits like Enter The Gungeon and Nuclear Throne. Others…

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Nintendo Music gets a selection of 3DS Street Pass tunes

Categories: 3DS, News

Without much fanfare, which is pretty typical of Nintendo these days, the Nintendo Music app has received the entire album of 3DS Street Pass songs. Released sometime last night, you can relive memories of heading to conventions and furiously checking your Street Pass plaza for new puzzle pieces or visits…

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Impressive fan-made Switch 2 detachable accessory animation shows what the future could hold 

Author: Admin Lauren
Categories: News, Switch 2

Reddit user r/JardDog did some impressive heavy lifting for the r/NintendoSwitch2 subreddit. An animation they’ve created of a pair of detachable accessory concepts for the upcoming console has amassed over 3,700 upvotes. It’s understandable why — The graphics and manipulation of the Switch 2’s shell and Joy-Con flipping and spinning…

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