Amazon Wave 4 Pre-Order Mega List

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Amiibo News

Amazon has officially announced that Wave 4 amiibo will be released for sale May 29th at specific times throughout the day starting at 2:00 p.m. PST.  We have complied a list of all the times each amiibo will go live in every United States time zone. Click each image below…

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The History of Nintendo Competitions: Part 1

Author: Joe Drilling
Categories: Retro

Everyone here at Nintendo Inquirer is pretty excited about the Nintendo World Championships coming up in June. Several members of the editorial staff are making their way from Milwaukee to Chicago to take part in the qualifiers. Sadly, the nearest qualifier to me in Washington is in Long Island, NY….

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The Black Amiibo Friday Survival Guide

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Amiibo News

It’s that time again, amiibo fans. Another amiibo wave is upon us and this one could prove to be the most challenging yet. With online pre-orders for exclusives selling out in minutes and a new pair of unicorn level Fire Emblem amiibo releasing, you may be thinking: How can I ever acquire…

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May the Force be with Disney Infinity 3.0

Author: Jason Grier
Categories: News, Wii U

The Force is coming to the Disney Infinity universe this fall. Disney Interactive is finally bringing the characters, vehicles and storylines of the Star Wars universe to its platform in the launch of Disney Infinity 3.0. Just as in Disney Infinity 2.0, Disney Interactive is not only seeking the help…

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Review: Stretchmo

Author: Josh Brown
Categories: 3DS, Reviews

It’s impossible to tell whether or not Nintendo had high hopes for Pushmo when it was released for the 3DS in 2011, and whether or not there were any plans to turn that little downloadable title on the eShop into a full-fledged series. While the main character, Mallo, was incredibly…

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Happy presidential anniversary, Reggie!

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News

Reggie Fils-Aimé is the President of Nintendo of America, but you probably already know that because Reggie stands out among other people in the corporate world. His outgoing, jovial personality sets him apart from everyone else; and even better, he isn’t afraid to let Nintendo fans have a laugh at…

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