Yo! Japanese Pika Rap makes its debut

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Retro

The Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel is no stranger to themed songs. We’ve had a Slowpoke reggae, an eccentric little back-and-forth number on Magnemite and the somber, soft spoken Mimikyu rap already. Now it’s time for Pikachu to step up to the mic and start spittin’ some hot fire in a…

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Nintendo is rewarding your ink coverage in Splatoon 2

Categories: News, Mobile, Switch

When the Nintendo Switch Online app was functional for the whole world with Splatoon 2’s release, the Lifetime Inkage page displayed some interesting text: “Compare your lifetime turf inkage to the size of famous landmarks! Ink enough, and you might be rewarded!” It looks like Nintendo is finally following through…

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(Video) iFixit teardown of the 2DS XL

Categories: News, 3DS

Tech community and shop iFixit added the New 2DS XL to its teardown video list. Like with all new devices, those behind iFixit love to get into the nitty gritty of phones, video game systems and more for the people who always want to see what it looks like on…

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Persona Q2 heading to the Nintendo 3DS

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, 3DS

Back in 2014 when Atlus combined two of its biggest franchises for Persona Q, fans were thrilled. It combined plenty of fan-service for Persona fans with addictive Etrian Odyssey-styled dungeon crawling, making perfect use of the dual screen set-up. Atlus isn’t letting the 3DS go without one more entry, though….

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New ARMS and Splatoon 2 art released

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

This summer Nintendo has been all about the competitive scene, releasing the well-regarded newcomer ARMS in June and following it up with the fan-favorite Splatoon 2 just a few weeks ago. Now two new pieces of artwork have been released for each game, via their Japanese social media pages… In…

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Nintendo Wiretap (8/1/17)

  Welcome to the Nintendo Wiretap! Each day the team here at Nintendo Wire works tirelessly to bring you the best, most relevant late-breaking Nintendo news this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. To help make ingesting all these meaty stories easier than Kirby hopped up on Miracle Fruit, we’ve compiled…

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