Legendary Corrin fated for Fire Emblem Heroes

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Mobile

Some Fire Emblem characters get a lot of love, most of them from the 3DS era of titles. Taking that even further is Corrin, particularly the female version, who is fated to be Fire Emblem Heroes’ next Legendary Hero.     If you combine male and female, this is Corrin’s…

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Pokémon Masters EX’s first-anniversary celebration includes social media AR filters, Champion Stadium trailer, and more

Categories: News, Mobile

DeNA and The Pokémon Company’s mobile game, Pokémon Masters EX, received more than just a title change for its one-year anniversary. While previously announced, a few more goodies and events were announced today!   WHICH POKÉMON MASTERS EX SYNC PAIR ARE YOU? On the social media front, an AR filter…

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New Pokémon Center store opening in Kanazawa this year

Categories: News

Trainers living in Japan will likely be preparing to embark on a trip to another storefront this year. The Pokémon Company announced on August 28 that a new water-type themed Pokémon Center will be joining their brick and motor store lineup in their home region. The latest addition this time…

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