New Badge Arcade arrivals for 2/4

Categories: 3DS, News

Five new Legend of Zelda catchers have made their way into the Badge Arcade today! On top of that, two more Pushmo catchers have been added to the fray as well, and one of them even has launch badges! Free Play: Yes! Practice Catcher: There are also only two more…

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Undertale being considered for Nintendo platforms

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News

One of the biggest indie games of last year was Undertale, a bullet-hell shooter and RPG hybrid which deconstructed typical game tropes to a humorous/heart wrenching extent. Now the game’s creator, Toby Fox, has stated via Twitter that he has reached out to Nintendo regarding a port to its systems….

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Corrin, Bayonetta & Mii costumes available now!

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

After almost two months of waiting, the Smash Bros. roster has seen its newest additions arrive! Both Corrin and Bayonetta are available to purchase and download– and they’re bringing along unique and interesting properties to the game. As has been the standard, both characters can be purchased for either the…

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Pokémon Red and Blue come to vinyl

Categories: News

UPDATE: That was quick! Mere moments after this article was posted the record was listed as out of stock. We’ll be sure to keep you informed if it makes a come back! Video game soundtrack records have become some of the hottest collectibles in recent years, and now, in celebration…

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First impressions of Detective Pikachu

Categories: 3DS, News

One of the most intriguing games announced for the 3DS this year is most definitely Detective Pikachu. Since its announcement last week, there’s been an overwhelming amount of interest expressed by fans of the game online. So much that fans have taken it upon themselves to petition for Danny DeVito…

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A look at amiibo's impact on Nintendo's third quarter

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Amiibo News, News

Nintendo’s Financial Results Briefing for the third quarter of the fiscal year has brought to light several interesting facts and figures in regards to amiibo, those lovable Nintendo figures that continue to sway our hearts and doom our wallets. Since their launch alongside Super Smash Bros. on Wii U, more…

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Nintendo announces its best selling amiibo

Author: Lauren Ganos
Categories: Amiibo News, News

A lot of interesting news came out of yesterday’s investor meeting, including amiibo sales numbers and the company’s interest in Virtual Reality; not to mention the big financial report that provided the world with a better understanding of where the company stands at the moment. Among these pieces of news…

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New Badge Arcade arrivals for 2/3

Categories: 3DS, News

Two Pushmo catchers have slid their way into the Nintendo Badge Arcade this morning! Free play: No. Practice catcher: Today is the last day for yesterday’s Super Mario Bros. badges. Make sure to add those to your collection if you haven’t already. Lastly, the special theme offer is still running!…

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Miitomo release detailed. Coming in mid-March to Japan & the U.S.

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News

Miitomo, Nintendo’s first official venture into the brave new world of freemium smartphone gaming, is about to make its debut in Japan. Nintendo has announced that pre-registration will begin for the social media/friendship finder hybrid on February 17th. The game is scheduled for release both inside and outside of Japan…

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