MegaMan NT Warrior anime being marathoned on Twitch

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Merchandise

I’ve known the super fighting robot that is Mega Man for many years now, but there’s something about its cybernetic Battle Network subseries that always spoke to me. Maybe it was the collecting of Battle Chips, maybe it was the cool redesigns of familiar Robot Masters. More than likely though,…

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Tetris 99 summons Fire Emblem Engage for 32nd Maximus Cup

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: News, Switch

It’s that time again, where Tetris 99 reminds Nintendo Switch Online subscribers that it exists. Despite the slower cadence of events, the puzzle royale remains a great extra for the service and a unique multiplayer offering in its own right. Marking the game’s 32nd Maximus Cup is one of our…

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