Animal Crossing: New Leaf now highest selling game in the series

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: 3DS, News

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, as all our combined mayoral efforts have taken Animal Crossing: New Leaf to new heights. Nintendo’s Japanese site has updated its top selling software listings, showing that the latest full game in the series has reached 11.78 million copies sold. That alone’s enough…

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Zelda: Ocarina of Time | Game Boy Advance De-make

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: Videos, Retro

Our latest de-make is here and it’s a return to Hyrule — but this time with a more 16-bit flavor. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is reimagined for the Game Boy Advance, with a short little jaunt through some key locations from Adult Link’s timeline. Give it a…

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Review: Code of Princess EX

Author: Ricky Berg
Categories: Switch, Reviews

Some of my favorite arcade memories date back to side-scrolling beat ‘em ups. Games like Final Fight, The Simpsons, Golden Axe, and more always struck a chord both for their great challenge curves and their multiplayer potential. As a genre it struggled to persist once the industry shifted to home…

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Digimon Survive confirmed for western release in 2019

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

The game has been popping up on Japanese news sites this past week but now Digimon Survive is officially confirmed for a western release. Bandai Namco made the announcement today alongside a new localized trailer, showcasing how the title will merge visual novel and strategy RPG elements.     Digimon…

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