What the heck is the Pokémon GO Plus?

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Mobile

It’s been over a week since Pokémon GO entered the lives of those living in the U.S. and it’s blasted off faster than Team Rocket in a hot air balloon. Millions of people have taken to the streets with the hope of finding rare Pokémon and achieving their childhood dreams…

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Pokémon GO now available in Canada

Categories: News, Mobile

Worry no longer, Canadian trainers: Roughly a week and a half after its release, Pokémon GO is now available for download in Canada. After being released in many European countries yesterday, the global rollout continued today in the Great White North. Given how long the U.S. has had access to…

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Pokémon GO launches in the United Kingdom

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Mobile

It’s been a long time coming, over a week in fact, but Pokémon GO has finally launched in the United Kingdom on iOS and Android! Many more countries are eagerly anticipating the app’s launch, including the majority of Europe, but it seems like Niantic is staggering the game’s release across…

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