It’s time to celebrate – Happy birthday, NES!

Author: Lauren Ganos
Categories: Retro, Features

Today marks the 34th birthday of the Nintendo Entertainment System — the NES — in North America. The 8-bit home video game console made waves and earned the role as the best-selling system of its time decades ago. More importantly, however, its popularity opened the doors for the Big N,…

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Final Fantasy VI turns 25 – A look back

Categories: Retro, Features

Editor’s note: Today marks the 25th anniversary (in North America) of one of the most beloved RPG’s of all time — Final Fantasy VI. To celebrate, we’re sharing a piece that was originally published on the 25th anniversary in Japan. The sentiments are timeless and beloved — a reflection of…

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Happy 130th birthday to Nintendo!

Categories: Retro, Features

In an anniversary that makes the company well over the age of any human being who’s ever lived, Nintendo celebrates its 130th birthday today, September 23rd! The company was incorporated in 1889 by Fujisaro Yamauchi as a producer of hanafuda trading cards, following a rollicking trajectory — including yakuza dealings…

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Impressions: Fantasy Strike on Switch

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: Switch, Features

It’s been thrilling to see how many fighting games, both indie and AAA, have been coming to Nintendo Switch. From Mortal Kombat 11 to Pocket Rumble, there is no shortage of content for anyone looking for a competitive fighter. Now, we can add another indie to the list with Fantasy…

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Impressions: Lethal League Blaze

Author: Bryan Finch
Categories: Switch, Features

I’ve always been excited by developers playing around with the basic concept of fighting games. Usually, it consists of two players performing combos to deplete the opponent’s health bar, but plenty of games shake up the formula in ways you may have never thought of. Divekick has all the basics…

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