Yoko Taro and other leads on NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition talk about not porting in time to make it into Smash Bros. and more

Categories: News, Switch

If there’s one man who always gives a good interview quote no matter the context or question, it’s Yoko Taro, famed director of Drakengard and NieR who vaulted into mainstream recognition with 2017’s NieR:Automata. It recently made it over to Switch with the End of YoRHa Edition, and so the…

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Pokémon GO Raid Hour for Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

Categories: Guides, Mobile

Raid Hour (also referred to as Legendary Raid Hour) started as an experiment in March 2019. Initially called Legendary Lunch Hour, Niantic set aside an hour on Wednesdays for Pokémon GO Trainers to find 5-Star (Legendary) Raids easier by increasing the appearance rates. After further testing, Raid Hour was renamed…

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Indie World returns on November 9th, 2022

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

While we’re all gearing up for a holiday season filled with big game releases it’s always worth keeping an eye on smaller developers and their titles. Thankfully Nintendo has announced another Indie World Showcase to give us a better look at some of those upcoming indie games! Tune in on…

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Gimmighoul pops up in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, GO

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: News, Switch

As teased just before the weekend, a new Pokémon has been revealed – Gimmighoul! Essentially Pokémon’s answer to the iconic “mimic”, the Ghost-type Gimmighoul has a Chest Form which lies in wait to surprise people and Pokémon. If they happen to open the chest, they’ll be controlled and forced to…

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Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour for Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Categories: Guides, Mobile

Initially announced on January 31st, 2020, Niantic announced it would begin testing new types of events during February 2020 – Pokémon Spotlight Hour and Mystery Bonus Hour. After testing and user feedback, Niantic combined both events into one and announced what Pokémon and bonuses would be featured in advance. Now,…

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