More Super Smash Bros. DLC coming July 31st

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News, Wii U

Nintendo has confirmed a July 31st release date for the next round of Super Smash Bros. DLC. As well as the much anticipated Tournament mode, announced prior to the game’s launch last year, the new DLC will include two returning Nintendo 64 stages and three new Mii costumes. Players will…

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The launch of Splatoon: Then & now

Categories: Wii U

On paper, Splatoon’s release date was May 28th, 2015. Its actual launch, though? Well, that’s to be determined. Splatoon was a very solid shooter out of the gate, and I, for one, was thrilled with my $60 purchase. Many reviewers, however, fairly criticized it for an underwhelming amount of content…

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Dragon Quest XI coming to 3DS, potentially NX

Author: Tom Brown
Categories: 3DS, News

With Dragon Quest’s 30th Anniversary rapidly approaching, Square Enix has held a 90 minute long conference in Japan outlining its plans. The most breaking news to come out of the event was the announcement of Dragon Quest XI for both the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation 4. Square Enix also stated…

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August Splatoon update

Author: Josh Brown
Categories: News, Wii U

The summer may be starting to wind down as the fall release schedule of video games begins to draw near, but that certainly doesn’t mean that Nintendo is finished supporting and putting out new content for one of biggest surprises this year, Splatoon on the Wii U. Since the day…

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Splatoon to receive new map tomorrow

Categories: News, Wii U

Yet another stage is heading to Splatoon! Beginning tomorrow, Camp Triggerfish will be available for all players to ink to their hearts’ content. According to the official Splatoon Tumblr, Camp Triggerfish is built around a large body of water, forcing players to cross a series of bridges to reach enemy…

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Super Mario Maker Wii U bundle for Europe

Author: Jason Grier
Categories: News, Wii U

Nintendo of Europe announced that a new Super Mario Maker Wii U system bundle will be released alongside the game’s release on September 11th. The new hardware bundle will include a black 32GB Wii U system, along with a physical copy of the game, a hardcover artbook, and the classic…

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New Splatoon weapons available tonight

Categories: News, Wii U

You squid kids managing to stay fresh out there? To help you beat the summer heat, Nintendo is releasing two more brand spanking new weapons for Splatoon, each a fresh take (see what I did there?) on a previous weapon. First up is the is the E-liter 3K Scope, which…

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