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The announcement last year that longtime Mario actor Charles Martinet would be leaving the role for all future games shook the gaming landscape to its core. While Mario’s voice has been criticized for being a bit stereotypical and simple, it was so iconic and clearly defined that everyone assumed Martinet would be voicing the plumber for the foreseeable future. Nintendo had other plans, however, and Martinet stepped down for Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

Now with Princess Peach: Showtime! coming out, speculation was running rampant that longtime Peach actor Samantha Kelly would be vacating her throne. While she provided Peach’s voice in Wonder, some of the latest trailers for Showtime! have shown Peach sporting different tones than usual. Thankfully, Kelly isn’t going anymore.


Peachy’s Got it!


A Peach fan account on Twitter recently posted a video of an autograph signing at the Torg Gaming Expo from last November. In the clip, she asks Kelly, specifically, if she’ll be voicing Peach in the new Nintendo Switch title. As you’ve likely surmised from the headline, Kelly said yes. She also stated that Princess Peach: Showtime! will be, “The best game ever!” From the enthusiasm in her voice, you almost can’t help but agree. Then again, Kung Fu Peach and Ninja Peach are two of the costumes, so why am I thinking otherwise?



The reason this clip was posted now is that a ton of comments on the latest Showtime! trailer have begun stating that Kelly has been replaced. While you could make a reasonable argument that Nintendo changed course in the last few months, that doesn’t seem likely. Kelly voiced Peach in Wonder despite Martinet’s departure, so why would Nintendo give her one last game before making a swap?


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Written by Peter Glagowski

Peter has been a freelance gaming and film critic for over seven years. His passion for Nintendo is only matched by the size of his collection.