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Announced last year to release in early 2021, single-player RPG Ruined King: A League of Legends Story was set to tie in to the Ruination event in the world of LoL games. That event came and went in the summer without any word on the status of the title. Today, Riot Forge, the indie publishing arm of Riot Games, announced in their Riot Forge Showcase that Ruined King would launch today.

The game is a lead-up to the Ruination event, and follows a band of LoL champions fighting against Viego, the Ruined King. This turn-based RPG features gorgeous graphics and a chance to experience the story and characters in a way a MOBA match cannot accomplish. I, for one, am very excited that Illaoi and Braum, my two favorite LoL characters, are included in the lineup of much more popular champs like Ahri and Yasuo.

A launch trailer for the game has been released as well, showing off the comic book-style cutscenes and beautiful battle animations.



The game is out now for most platforms, including Nintendo Switch, and retails for $29.99.


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Written by Bryan Finch

A video editor by trade, Bryan Finch is a lifetime Nintendo fan, and he loves writing about his passions. He also spends too much time playing and watching fighting games. Bryan enjoys​​ movies, comics, cooking with his wife, and the idea of Elite Beat Agents 2.