Supposed amiibo prototypes hit eBay

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Amiibo News, News

Over the past few weeks, alleged prototype amiibo have made their way to eBay. The sellers are almost all exclusively based in China, and the items have been titled “prototypes” in the listings. Figures like Silver Mario, Palutena, Meta Knight, Lucina, and even unannounced figures like the Mii Sword Fighter,…

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Welcome to Nintendo Inquirer

Author: Lauren Ganos
Categories: News

We’re absolutely thrilled to introduce Nintendo Inquirer, a brand new source for all things related to Nintendo! Brought to you by the creators of Amiibo News, Nintendo Inquirer is a company built on the passionate foundations of lifelong Nintendo enthusiasts. It’s safe to say that every single team member is…

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Epicness awaits at the Nintendo World Championships

Author: Josh Brown
Categories: News, Merchandise

It’s time to party like it’s 1990 all over again. After a 25 year absence, Nintendo has announced the triumphant return of its most beloved event in its history: the Nintendo World Championships. The announcement was made last week during a special Nintendo E3 preparation preview. In the video, Nintendo…

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Enter the "Holy Trinity" amiibo giveaway

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: Amiibo News, 3DS, Wii U

It’s the Holy Mother of all giveaways! Nintendo Inquirer and Amiibo News have teamed up for our most exciting giveaway to date. By following both Amiibo News and Nintendo Inquirer on Twitter and retweeting the tweet below, one lucky follower will be selected at random on Sunday, June 7th, to…

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Nintendo Inquirer is looking for gaming journalists!

Author: Lauren Ganos
Categories: News

If you’re 18 or older and you’re looking to break into gaming journalism, look no further! The Nintendo Inquirer team is looking to expand and we’d love to hear from you. Here’s what you to have to do to apply: Make sure you meet the criteria listed below. Then send…

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Taking a closer look at Mario Maker

Author: Jason Ganos
Categories: News, Wii U

Super Mario Bros. is, without question, one of the most important video games of all-time. It is not a difficult argument to make that it is the most important video game of all-time, though in a world populated with Pong, Spacewar!, Tetris, Super Mario 64 and several others, I’ll leave…

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