Nintendo suggests creating Nintendo Accounts ahead of time to avoid Christmas server overload

Categories: News, Switch

Christmastime is a-comin’, which means many young’uns (and old’uns) will be getting shiny new Nintendo Switches under the Christmas Tree. This also means that a lot of people will be logging on to create Nintendo Accounts at the same time, which might overload their poor, usually placid servers. As such, Nintendo…

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PORTER teams up with The Pokémon Center Japan for Red and Green-themed bags

Categories: News, Merchandise, Retro

One of Japan’s leading bag brands “Porter” will be teaming up with The Pokémon Company later this week to deliver an exclusive new lineup of collaborative products at Japanese Pokémon Center stores. Being part of The Pokémon Company’s year-round 25th anniversary initiative, the latest set of fashion products pays tribute…

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