New Badge Arcade arrivals for 12/11

Categories: 3DS, News

Pokémon trainers, get your 3DS home screens ready because Pokémon badges are back in the arcade! Six new games are featured today, each one focusing on a different type of Pokémon. Flying, fairy, grass, water, dark, and poison are all showcased, and a main Pokémon of that type adorns the…

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Nintendo patent application surfaces for new handheld device

Categories: News

Nintendo patents are on the rise as today another patent application from the company has surfaced. While Nintendo’s name wasn’t officially mentioned anywhere in the application, its involvement has been made obvious by the the five inventors that are listed, who all work for Nintendo. This time, it looks like…

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Nintendo releases new ad for the holidays

Categories: News

Through its official YouTube channel, Nintendo has just released a new video celebrating what the holidays are really about. The video starts out simple: it reminds us how stressful the holiday season can be, and then proceeds to show us various clips of some of our favorite holiday gripes, from…

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New Badge Arcade arrivals for 12/9

Categories: 3DS, News

Legend of Zelda fans, today is your day in the Nintendo Badge Arcade! We’ve got three new games today, featuring our favorite princess, a few iconic symbols, and some notable items, all in the famous style of Wind Waker! Unfortunately, Toon Link isn’t featured, but I’m sure we’ll get him…

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