We’ve all been there, right? We’ll be playing a nice single-player game that’s fun and engaging and we’ll think to ourselves “man, I wish I could play this on my absolutely god awful internet connection. I really need more lag, if not the possibility of being unable to play it at all. Oh, and that way if too many people were playing this single-player game at once, then the servers could get congested and everybody’d be miserable! That’d be so good.” It’s the human condition, really. And Square Enix gave us what nobody – I mean, everybody asked for with Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece on Switch, which they’re updating to let everybody know just how congested those servers are.
「キングダム ハーツ」シリーズのNintedo Switchクラウドバージョンについて
— キングダム ハーツ (@_KINGDOMHEARTS) May 12, 2022
Man, Squeenix can’t stop making good decisions, can they? I mean last week they sold beloved IPs and studios for peanuts just so they could dive in on the NFT market. A real smart company, this one. Who wouldn’t want to play the legendary, beloved series Kingdom Hearts via the mystical and crappy – er, happy Cloud? Those execs must’ve really misinterpreted folks when they said they love Cloud in KH – they’re talking about Strife, not OnLive (how many of y’all even remember OnLive?) They sure are heartless for this one.
Anyway, I’ll be waiting for a native Nintendo port as long as it takes. I waited for Kingdom Hearts III, this’ll be nothing in comparison.
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