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We are one week away from the photography paradise that’ll be New Pokémon Snap! Hundreds of Pokémon will be roaming around the new Lental region just waiting for you to capture that perfect picture opportunity.

If you need a primer on just how to approach this shutterbug’s salvation of a game, worry not, for a new interactive website has opened up that allows you to check out everything that makes New Pokémon Snap… new!

The Explore Lental site allows you to visit eight different sections on the region’s map. Some of these are the areas you’ll be exploring, while others represent features like nighttime and the various items you’ll have along for the trip. By checking out each of them, watching plenty of video clips, and answering a few questions you’ll be able to earn up to 200 My Nintendo Platinum Points along the way. 




If you’re exploring on a computer, you might want to consider going with your phone instead. Each area also has another prize for you – special photo frames that you can access directly from the site! By taking (or uploading) pictures from each section you’ll be able to access these frames and curate your own Photo Gallery. 



It’s just a small taste of what’s in store, but for anyone excited for this long-awaited sequel it’s a must-tour – especially since the site will only be available until May 31st.

New Pokémon Snap will arrive on Switch one week from today on Friday, April 30th.  


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.