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Retro fans have a new trio of titles to try on Switch today, as the monthly NES Online update has come along. Previously known, this update adds Donkey Kong Jr., Clu Clu Land, and VS. Excitebike to the service. All three are worth checking out, whether you’re a hi-score hero or you just want to show your friends how to Excitebike. Yeah, it’s a verb now.

Along with these comes an SP Version of Star Soldier. This’ll drop you off at stage eight of the game with a whole host of power-ups at your disposal. It’s another in the growing list of “Want to play the game but don’t?” SPs, making the task of clearing these older games a cinch.

Be on the lookout for more SPs and additional games sometime next month, and let us know which game you’re playing first today!


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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.