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Following last week’s Indie Highlights, Nintendo of America packed today’s 16 minute announcement with plenty of games. Let’s take a look at some of the games that were featured:

Treasure Stack


PIXELAKES is mashing up gaming genres in new ways with Treasure Stack. Taking the drop down, competitive puzzle mechanic (à la Tetris) and turning it on its head by giving the game a dungeon style, this title will have you scratching your head, as simple color combos won’t secure a victory. Matching up treasure chests while waiting for a key to unlock a trove of them may sound simple in theory, but it won’t be that easy once dead blocks get in your way.

Duke it out amongst friends locally or brave the online scene, Treasure Stack will have you on your toes starting this winter.



Advertised as “a game about cubes,” this one-liner only touches a single plane of Zarvot. The game’s mission, assisting two cubes (Charcoal and Mustard) in obtaining the best birthday present for their friend, seems simple enough. But when you start looking at all sides of Zarvot, that’s when things get weird!

This arcade adventure offers nine worlds that will contain enemies such as evil bananas and dangerously frozen milk cartons. Armed with lasers, you’ll have to take these rotten grocery goods down while solving puzzles and having your heartstrings yanked by an emotional storyline.

Outside of the game’s story mode, a versus mode is available. Duke it out with friends, seeing which cube can outlast the brawls. In addition to that, Zarvot has its own special character just for the Nintendo Switch: Joy-Vot. Playing off the Joy-Con name, Joy-Vot comes to life with a single Joy-Con controller. What does Joy-Vot do? It spawns enemy after enemy onto the map. Make battles a free-for-all, thanks to the Joy-Con’s tilt controls.

Samurai Gunn 2


In this sequel to Samurai Gunn, the revisit to Gunn City is jammed pack with more than just a brawling adventure. Thanks to Double Fine, we can see another side to Beau Blyth’s samurai world:

“Gunn City is a medieval metropolis on the brink of crisis. A mad mayor pushes to expand the city at a ridiculous pace, while an epidemic of GUNPOWDER overdoses is on the rise, and old spirits are creeping back into the world. A princess, a golem, a samurai knight, and a teenage girl all have a part in re-writing the fate of Gunn City forever. Samurai Gunn is the official companion to the award winning indie game from Teknopants, and author Valentin Seiche is leading the pack in terms of world building and characters. Samurai Gunn is one of the most intensely inspiring fantasy worlds we’ve published.”

Grab your sword and gun in early 2019.

Bullet Age


Traverse a post-apocalyptic land with a stranger in Bullet Age. In this shoot ‘em up, hack and slash you’ll play as Ash or his newfound friend, a mysterious stranger. Not all is what it seems in the animated world though. Besides upgrading and buying new weapons to aid you on your journey, being a member of the United Resistance may lead you to discover what really happened in the world of Bullet Age.

The realm of Bullet Age will be available on the Nintendo Switch this November.



Filling that Super Mario Maker hole in our hearts, Butterscotch Shenanigans is delivering Levelhead. Available this November, you and up to three friends can build your own platforming levels and tackle them together. Even better, you’ll be able to upload your own creations and you’ll have the opportunity to download those created by others.

Regarding solo play, touchscreen controls haven’t been confirmed — yet. Given that Levelhead is getting released on mobile platforms too, it won’t be out of the realm of possibilities that you might be be able to sink hours of crafting in handheld mode.

We’ve covered a whole lot more of news that came out of this morning’s Nindies Direct, so make sure to check out our latest articles containing even more details regarding upcoming titles.

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Written by Jennifer Burch

Illustrator, designer, writer and big Nintendo geek, you can find Jennifer with an N3DS within reach 24/7. As the oldest of three, she has survived many Mario Party, Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart sessions intact in addition to getting her brothers hooked on some really weird games. (Cubivore anyone?)